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With Harness Code, you can create [tags] in the Harness Code UI or you can clone your repo and create tags with command line Git, IDEs, or other Git tools.

Tags you see in the Harness Code UI exist in your remote repositories. If you're working from a local clone, you need to push your tags to the remote to see those tags in Harness Code.

This topic explains how to work with tags in the Harness Code UI. For details about tagging with command line Git, an IDE, or another local Git tool, refer to the documentation for your preferred tool.

Create a tag

  1. In your Harness project, go to the Code module, select Repositories, and then select your repository.
  2. Go to Tags and select New Tag.
  3. Enter a tag Name.
  4. Select the branch or tag to base the tag on.
  5. Enter a Description. Descriptions are required for tags created in the Harness UI because they are annotated tags. If you want to create lightweight tags, use command line Git.
  6. Select Create Tag.

Upon creating a tag, the Tags page shows the name, description, and the commit that the tag is based on, as well as the person who created the tag and the creation date.

Inspect a tag

When viewing a repository in Harness Code, there are several ways you can inspect the files and commits associated with a tag:

  • Go to Tags and select the name of the tag that you want to inspect. You're redirected to the Files page with the selected tag as the current context.
  • Go to Commits, select the default branch name to open the branch/tag dropdown menu, select Tags, and then select a tag. The Commits page updates to show the commit history for the selected tag.
  • Go to Files, select the default branch name to open the branch/tag dropdown menu, select Tags, and then select a tag. The Files page updates according to the context of the selected tag.

Create a branch from a tag

You can create branches from tags.

  1. When viewing a repository in Harness Code, go to Tags.
  2. Locate the relevant tag, select More options (), and then select Create Branch.
  3. Enter a branch Name.
  4. Select Create Branch.

Delete a tag


You can't recover tags that are deleted from Harness Code.

  1. When viewing a repository in Harness Code, go to Tags.
  2. Select More options () next to the tag you want to delete, and select Delete Tag.